Thursday, September 15, 2011

No tene casa! (We have a house)

Somehow, it's just more fun to give things a headline in Kriol. Right now, that's kind of how I see my life. It has headlines, side-notes and subtitles and and they are NOT in English.
The real news is about the decision we made today! We chose a house to live in and we went and signed papers! I forgot to get a picture of the outside of the house, so the Pepto-Bismol wonder that it is will have to wait until another day for your viewing pleasure. :)
This is a picture of Jason with the landlord and the guys from MAFI here who have helped us find this wonderful house. The people in the picture, from left to right are: Adu (I think) our landlord, Pastor Felix, Jason (easy to spot in this crowd) and Fernando. It is House #1 from the Facebook post, it is the one with 24/7 electricity and a yard that will enjoy some improvement. The landlord seems like a really honest guy and has been hoping to find renters with integrity, so I am glad we can both be glad to have found each other. The picture with the 4 guys was taken on the front porch at our house.

After this picture is a picture of our kitchen at the house that we will move into. It's pretty nice and has a huge pantry. I was standing in the hallway that goes from the living room to the kitchen and the bedrooms to take this picture.

The next picture, and possibly the most fabulous is of the infamous shower-toilet. Both clean and efficient. Why perform only one bathroom function at a time? Now there is no need with the improved shower-toilet! Bidet not included, limited warranty. Side effects may include a ridiculously wet toilet seat and no shower curtain.

The next picture is of Jason and Jason Atkins in the machine shop at the Youth Center. The guys are both very technically minded, so this kind of collaboration is great for both of them. I believe they are building a metal door that was engineered by Jason Atkins. If one Jason is awesome at puzzle-solving, then two are awesome-er. Haha. I think these two have been waiting quite a while to get to work on some projects together. This machine shop was something that Jason Atkins built himself from brainstorm state to the present wonder that it is. It houses machines and parts that can perform almost any project you could imagine here. Jason has been a part of lots of different projects throughout the country as his machine shop has proved useful and his expertise invaluable. It's really cool as missionaries just starting out to see projects like this and imagine that we might some day have something like this that's useful to lots of people in many ways. We hope so anyway!

The final picture here is of me with what equals I believe $2 worth of cucumbers when they're in season. When things are in their growing season here, they grow like CRAZY and they are crazy cheap. Bet you can guess what we eat a lot of right now! Sadly, we arrived just after mango season, so we'll have to wait a whole year for mangos now. Unless we want some out of season, which isn't the worst idea. There are also TONS of limes here. They grow really well, and are the best limes I have ever tasted. I made limeade with them yesterday and liked it so much, I bought three kilos of limes ($4-and that was a bit expensive) and will be making LOTS of limeade tomorrow. The funny thing about the limes is that they are about the size of a ping-pong ball, so each one is tiny, but they're good!
Emily Atkins has been teaching me to cook here. She taught me to make this awesome Orange Beef today and it was better than a lot of Asian food I've had in the States. Seriosuly, Emily is an amazing cook and has mastered the art of cooking overseas where things are not available. She doesn't just make-do, she makes masterpieces in her kitchen. It's going to take me quite a while to reach this level of skill in my cooking! We've appreciated her help and the time she and Jason have put into helping us with this transition. They even came out to look at the houses we were debating over to give their input as people who've spent a lot of time here. We're truly blessed and really thankful.

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